V-Day Restaurant Anime Video game night

V-Day Restaurant Anime Video game night


Normally V-day is celebrated with flowers candies with their love one or hating ever boxes chocolates shaped into heart you see, but who want to celebrate v-day like that? Not us we had food music, dance floor and don't forget the video games! We had karaoke American idol game and believe me Simon is just as mean in the game as he is on the show LOL and we switched it up with Karaoke Reveltion where the AIs leave if you make their artificial hearing bleed. The girls was having a blast singing karaoke. We had the ultimate halo game it was a couples free for all every couple against each other. Whether you were single or coupled we had something for everybody. Plus girl vs boys trivia who know who better?

Girls had to guess what was the top 5 things that turn off guys and vice verse

Girls top 5 turn off

5. More than on baby
4. No goals
3. Being Fake
2. Ugly shoes
and the number on thing that turns off for girls is? Bad Breath

Guys top 5 turn off

5. dirty feet
4. hairy
2. Stank

and the number on thing that turns off for guys is? A chick with a extra member * coughs* If you know what i mean

Guys seemed to have known girls a bit more better

Click here to see all the fun at the event.


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